Monday, April 27, 2009

Read any great books lately?

So Monday has arrived again, and I'm definitely a little sluggish today. I just realized that I am about to finish my latest read and I need a new book suggestion. Anyone read anything lately that inspired them or made them really think? A close friend of mine suggested "The Bang Bang Club", by Greg Marinovich & Joao Silva. From the reviews I read it definitely is not for the faint of heart of a casual read at the beach, but I'm thinking of adding it to my nightly reading list. Has anyone else ever heard of this book? Thoughts?

1 comment:

Ric Duncombe said...

you will LOVE this, it is a bit more light hearted,and i know how you love italy (and i will be in Varanasi in 1 years time!) :)

also American Gods by Niel Gaiman and Neverwhere by the same author, neverwhere is cool, its a fantasy about a world found below london.

The Road, by Cormac MacCarthy is also brilliant - set not a million miles from you too!

but you need Bang bang seriously it will change your world


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